Professor Rhonda G. Craven, PhD
Director, Institute for Positive Psychology & Education
Professor Rhonda Craven PhD, BA (Hons), University Medal, Dip Teach
is the inaugural Director of The Institute for Positive Psychology and Education (IPPE) at the Australian Catholic University (ACU). Her published works focus on the structure, measurement, development and enhancement of self-concept, key psycho-social drivers of maximising life potential, and effective methods of teaching Indigenous students in educational settings to make a tangible difference.
Academic Interests...
Her research interests include:
educational excellence and innovation;
interventions that make a tangible difference in maximising life potential in educational and community settings (e.g., literacy; bullying; youth obesity; educational disadvantage; special education; appropriate education for gifted and talented students);
the structure, measurement, development, and enhancement of self-concept and key psycho-social drivers of human potential;
the impact of enhancing psycho-social drivers on academic achievement in reading and mathematics, and other desirable educational outcomes;
the effective teaching of Indigenous Studies and Indigenous students; and
national identity.
Professor Craven’s publications to date consist of 20 edited research monographs, 7 books, 59 book chapters, articles in top tier refereed journals, 10 commissioned national reports, 209 refereed conference papers, and 13 edited conference proceedings.
Most Cited Publication
Marsh, H.W. and Craven, R.G. (2006). Reciprocal effects of self-concept and performance from a multidimensional perspective: Beyond seductive pleasure and unidimensional perspectives.
Perspectives on psychological science 1 (2), 133-163.