Other Publications
Poster Presentations at Conferences
Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2017). The value of adolescents’ social capital in
reducing risk-taking and psychological distress. Poster presented at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, August 29– September 1, 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Dillon, A., Mooney, J., Blacklock, F., Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2015). Cultivating capability: Explicating what works for gifted Aboriginal students. Structured poster session “Indigenous Issues in Education and Research” presented in AERA, April 16– 20, 2015, Chicago, USA.
Other Curriculum Materials - Peer Reviewed
Craven, R. G. (1992). Developing secondary student's self-concepts: Personal Development, Health and Physical Education teaching kit. Sydney: NSW Department of Education.
Craven, R. G. (1991). Aboriginal occupation: School-based support course Aboriginal Studies 11–12 (pp. 1–29). Sydney: NSW Department of Education.
Craven, R. G. (1991). Contact history: School-based support course Aboriginal Studies 11–12 (pp. 6–17). Sydney: NSW Department of Education.
Audio-Visual Works
Craven, R. G., Yeung, A., & Seaton, M. (Executive Producers). (2012). Beyond bullying [DVD]. Australia: Centre for Positive Psychology and Education.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (2007). Beyond bullying: Primary School program [DVD]. Australia: Centre for Educational Research.
Craven, R. G., & Parada, R. H. (Producers). (2002). On the couch: Beyond bullying [DVD]. Australia: Self-Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Centre.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (1996). Culture educators [DVD]. Australia: University of New South Wales.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (1996). Munyarl mythology [DVD]. Australia: University of New South Wales.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (1996). Six ways: Teaching our way [DVD]. Australia: University of New South Wales.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (1996). Why teach Aboriginal studies? [DVD]. Australia: University of New South Wales.
Craven, R. G. (Executive Producer). (1993). Enhancing academic self-concept.
Book Reviews
Craven, R.G., (2010). Gender and Occupational Outcomes: Longitudinal assessments of individual, social, and cultural influences. Australian Educational Researcher, 37(2) 133–134. ISSN: 0311-6999
Dillon, A., Parbury, N., Craven R.G. (2013). Making Australia Better for Aboriginal People. Grad Life Magazine. University of Western Sydney.