Selected Keynote
and Invited Addresses
Craven, R. G. (October, 2019). Invited address at ACU’s Sydney Graduation Ceremony. Grand
Pavilion, Rosehill Gardens, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (March 22-23, 2019). Psychological aspects on mathematics education. Keynote
address at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME), Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Craven, R. G., & Mooney, J. (March 9-10, 2018). Towards a Positive Psychology of Indigenous
Thriving. Invited presentation at the ACBC Youth and Youth Ministry Research Seminar, ACU Leadership Centre, Brisbane.
Craven, R. G. (May, 2017). Invited address at ACU’s Sydney Graduation Ceremony. Grand Pavilion,
Rosehill Gardens, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (March, 2017). Imagining a new way forward: A Reciprocal Research Partnership for
Indigenous Thriving. AIATSIS, Canberra.
Craven, R. G. & Yeung, A. S. (November, 2016). IPPE: Advancing scientific research that transforms
lives and communities. Invited speech at the Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Craven, R. G. (July, 2016). 2016 Sir Harold Wyndham Memorial Lecture. Australian Catholic
University, North Sydney, Australia.
Craven R. G. (August, 2014). From Hope to Expectation. Leading Educators Around the Planet (LEAP) Conference 2014. Enabling Aboriginal Students to Not Just Succeed but to Flourish: What Research Says. Sydney Masonic Conference Centre, Sydney.
Craven R. G. (June 2014). Beyond Bullying Secondary School Program RYDON Youth Conference: 2014. Hunter Valley Hotel Academy (TAFE NSW - Hunter Institute), Tiger Hill, Sydney.
Craven R. G. (June 2014). AERA Indigenous Issues In Education Symposium.
Craven R. G. (November, 2013). Department of Education and Communities Aboriginal Student Achievement Awards. South-Western Sydney Division, Sydney, Australia.
Craven R. G. (November, 2013). Aboriginal Education and Community Engagement Professional Learning Workshop for Teachers Involved in the Write it Right Initiative. The Sebel in Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August 2013). Seeding Success in Indigenous Higher Education. Keynote address at the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities Colloquium, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (September, 2010). International Experts Cyber Bullying Forum. Arizona.
Craven, R. G. (August, 2010). Closing the Gap in Indigenous Education National Conference. University of Sydney.
Craven, R. G. (June, 2010). National Experts Closing the Gap Forum. Menzies Foundation, Melbourne.
Craven, R. G. (January 13-15, 2009). The Potent and Pervasive Significance of the Self-Concept Construct for Education: New Advances in Theory and Applied Research that Make a Real Difference. Keynote Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Craven, R. G. (November, 2007). Seeding success for Aboriginal students. Keynote address at Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (October, 2006). Seeding success for Aboriginal students: Potential turning points, why research matters, and challenges ahead. Keynote address at Australian Schools Network Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (October, 2005). Turning Indigenous secondary students’ educational disadvantage around: How psychologists can begin to make a real difference. Invited address at Australian Psychological Society, Melbourne, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 2004). Evaluating the impact of peer support programs. Keynote address at Max Planck Institute of Education, Germany.
Craven, R. G. (October, 2003). Can evaluating Indigenous students’ aspirations make a difference? Results of an evaluation. Keynote address at Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Craven, R. G. (November, 2003). Indigenous students’ self-concepts and aspirations: Research findings and implications for education systems. Invited address at New South Wales Board of Studies, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (November, 2003). Indigenous Students’ Aspirations: Realities and Suggested Strategies to Make Dreams Happen. Keynote address at Aboriginal Studies Association, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (2001). Enhancing self-concept: Teaching the teachers Aboriginal Studies. Keynote address at the Aboriginal Studies Association, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (September, 2001). Keynote address at Human Society and its Environment Conference. University of Western Sydney, Milperra, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (June, 2001). The structure, measurement, and enhancement of self-concept: New research findings. Keynote address at International Council for Self-Esteem Conference, Malaysia.
Craven, R. G. (June, 2000). Understanding and teaching Aboriginal studies. Invited address at Department of Education and Training, Liverpool, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 1998). Understanding the structure, development, measurement and enhancement of self-concept. Invited address at Redbank House, Westmead Hospital, Sydney Australia.
Craven, R. G. (June, 1998). Enhancing students' self-concepts to capitalise on diffusion effects. Keynote address for Bathurst District Schools Project.
Craven, R. G. (June, 1998). Enhancing students' self-concepts to capitalise on diffusion effects. Keynote address at Queensland Department of Education.
Craven, R. G. (May, 1998). Maximising self-concepts and the full potential of Koori gifted and talented students. Keynote address at the Catholic Education Office, New South Wales, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (May, 1998). To boldly go beyond the dustbowl of self-concept research: SELF Centre breakthroughs and future directions. Invited address at University of Western Sydney, Milperra, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (March, 1998). Doing the right thing: Evaluating and selecting appropriate Aboriginal studies teaching resources. Keynote address for Australian Library and Information Association, State Library of New South Wales, New South Wales, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (November, 1997). Research issues in Aboriginal education. Keynote address at New South Wales Institute for Educational Research.
Craven, R. G. (February, 1997). Surviving your PhD: Some helpful hints. Invited address for University of Western Sydney, Milperra, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (October, 1996). A large-scale longitudinal self-concept enhancement study. Invited address for Australian Psychological Association.
Craven, R. G. (March, 1995). An introduction to some of the latest Aboriginal Studies resources for Years 7-12. Invited address for Albion Park Education Resource Centre, Albion Park, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (January, 1995). An overview of self-concept research in relation to Gifted and Talented Children: Research results and future directions. Keynote address for Metropolitan South-West Region.
Craven, R. G. (December, 1994). Aboriginal Studies in the 90s—Teaching the Teachers: A National Priority! Keynote address at Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, Fremantle, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1994). Self-concept measurement and enhancement: Research results and practical activities. Invited address at Kensington Primary School, Kensington, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 1994). Recognising the validity of Indigenous cultures and history: Developing a model subject for Australian teacher education courses. Keynote address at National Council for the Social Studies Conference, Africa.
Craven, R. G. (June, 1994). Changing the mentality of academic Australia in relation to Aboriginal Studies in teacher education courses. Keynote address for the New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, Taree, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (June, 1994). Demystifying Aboriginal pedagogy: It benefits all Australian children. Invited address at Glebe High School, Glebe, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (April, 1994). Breaking the conspiracy of silence: Understanding and teaching Aboriginal Studies effectively. Keynote address at the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (November, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept. Keynote address at Hunter Welfare Association Conference, Newcastle, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: Strategies for gifted children. Keynote address at New South Wales Gifted and Talented Children's Association Conference, Darlinghurst, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1993). New techniques for measuring and enhancing self-concept. Invited address at Barker College, Waitara, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1993). New techniques for measuring and enhancing self-concept. Invited address at Kingsgrove High School, Kingsgrove, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1993). New techniques for measuring and enhancing self-concept. Keynote address at Counselling for Education Conference, Sydney Opera House, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 1993). Drafting subject structure for a mandatory Aboriginal Studies and Torres Strait Islander Studies subject for Teacher Education courses. Keynote address at Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: A guide for counsellors. Keynote address at New South Wales Guidance and Counselling Conference, University of Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (July, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: Strategies for gifted children. Invited address at Santa Sabina College, Strathfield, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (June, 1993). Techniques for parents and teachers to enhance academic facets of self-concept. Invited address at Mt Saint Bernard.
Craven, R. G. (April, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: New measurement instruments, activities, and praise strategies. Invited address at Bethany College, Hurstville, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (March, 1993). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: New measurement instruments, activities, and praise strategies. Keynote address at Miranda Education Resource Centre, Miranda, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (March, 1993). Selective schools: Who benefits? Keynote address at NSW Institute for Educational Research, University of Sydney, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1992). Measuring and enhancing self-concept: New measurement instruments, activities and praise strategies. Keynote address for New South Wales Association for Personal Development, Tempe, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1992). Self-concept development in the secondary school context. Keynote address for Information Access, Sydney Opera House, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (November, 1992). Self-concept development in the primary school context. Keynote address for Information Access, Sydney Opera House, Australia.
Craven, R. G. (August, 1991). New techniques for measuring and enhancing young children's self-concepts. Keynote address for New South Wales Association for Personal Development.