Refereed Conference Papers
214. Herbert W. Marsh, Johnmarshall Reeve, Sung Hyeon Cheon, Hye-Ryen Jang, Jiesi Guo,
Roberto H. Parada, Rhonda G. Craven, Philip D. Parker, Reinhard Pekrun, Geetanjali Basarkod, Theresa Dicke, Joseph Ciarrochi, Baljinder Sahdra, Emma K. Devine. (2024). Integrative Overview of a Peer Victimization Research Program: Measurement, Cross-national Generalizability, and Intervention. Paper presented as part of 2024 AERA Conference (AERA 2024), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11–14, 2024.
213. Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Riley, P., Dillon, A., Mooney, J., & Franklin, A. (2019). The Multidimensionality of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Students’ Wellbeing. Paper presented as part of a Symposium at the 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology (WCPP 2019), Melbourne, Australia, July 18-21, 2019.
212. Dillon, A., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Mooney, J., Kickett-Tucker, C., Franklin, A., & Samengo, J. (2019). Transforming Indigenous boys’ lives. Paper presented as part of a Symposium at the 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology (WCPP 2019), Melbourne, Australia, July 18-21, 2019.
211. Mooney, J., Craven, R. G., Franklin, A., Dillon, A., Blacklock, F., Magson, N., Rhodes, P., Kadir, M., & Rolls, T. (2019). Drivers of Indigenous Professionals’ Socio-Economic Wellbeing. Paper presented as part of a Symposium at the 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology (WCPP 2019), Melbourne, Australia, July 18-21, 2019.
210. Craven, R. G. (2019). Towards a Positive Psychology of Indigenous Thriving. Paper presented at the 2019 AIATSIS National Indigenous Research Conference, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, July 1-3, 2019.
209. Brockman, R., Atkins, P., Craven, R. G., Calvo, R. A., Mooney, J., Wallace, R., Guenther, J.,
McKinley, E., & Turner, K. (2018). Deadly Youth Leaders Trust: Capitalising on the voice and agency of Indigenous youth. Paper presented as part of a Symposium (Indigenous Australian Thriving Futures Symposium) at the 2nd National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference, Rendezvous Hotel Perth Scarborough, Western Australia, November, 20-21, 2018.
208. Craven, R. G., Mooney, J., & Marder, K. (2018). A Reciprocal Research Partnership Model:
Towards a Positive Psychology of Indigenous Thriving. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2018, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2-6, 2018.
207. Craven, R. G., Mooney, J., Yeung, A., Riley, P., Dillon, A., & Marder, K. (2018). A Reciprocal
Research Partnership Model: Towards a Positive Psychology of Indigenous Thriving and a Multidimensional Model of Student Wellbeing. Paper presented as part of a Symposium (Indigenous Australian Thriving Futures Symposium) at the 2nd National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference, Rendezvous Hotel Perth Scarborough, Western Australia, November, 20-21, 2018.
206. Craven, R. G., Yeung, A., & Riley, P. (2018). The Multidimensionality of Indigenous and non-
Indigenous Students’ Wellbeing. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2018, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2-6, 2018.
205. Morin, A. J. S., Dubé, C., Tracey, D., Arens, A. K., Pekrun, R., Ciarrochi, J., Craven, R. G., &
Maïano, C. (2018). Social and academic functioning differences among students with low
levels of cognitive abilities. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 4-7, 2018.
204. Tikoft, C., Craven, R. G., Mooney, J., Yeung, A. S., Barclay, L., van Westenbrugge, A., &
Franklin, A. (2018). Transition to secondary school for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students in high ability settings. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2018, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2-6, 2018.
203. Yeung, A., Craven, R. G., & Mooney, J. (2018). Teachers’ professional development and the
availability of Indigenous Education Officers: Influences on Indigenous teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2018, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2-6, 2018.
202. Morris, E., Dudgeon, P., Dahl, J., Cook, E., Sahdra, B., Craven, R. G., Atkins, P., & Mooney,
J. (2017). What role can contextual behavioural science play in progressive social change? Paper presented at the ANZ ACBS Conference, Perth, October 18-22, 2017.
201. Dillon, A., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Mooney, J., Kickett-Tucker, C., Franklin, A.,
Samengo, J., & Guo, J. (2017). Transforming Indigenous boys’ lives. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 4 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Educational Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part II)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
200. Tikoft, C. J., Craven, R. G., Mooney, J., Yeung, A. S., Barclay, L., van Westenbrugge, A.,
Franklin, A. (2017). Transition to Secondary School for High-Ability Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Students. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 4 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Educational Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part II)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
199. Bodkin-Andrews, G., Craven, R. G., Parker, P., Yeung, A. S., Finneran, M., & Denson, N.
(2017). A Culture of Confidence: Exploring culturally responsive determinants of self-concepts for Aboriginal Australian primary school children. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 4 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Educational Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part II)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
198. Craven, R.G, Mooney, J., & Marder, K. (2017). Towards A Positive Psychology of Indigenous
Thriving. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 4 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Educational Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part II)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
197. Mooney, J., Craven, R. G., Franklin, A., Dillon, A., Seaton, M., Blacklock, F., & Magson, N.
(2017). Triumphing in a New Indigenous Australia. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 2 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Socioeconomic Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part I)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
196. Yeung, A. S., Craven, R.G., & Mooney, J. (2017). Teachers’ Professional Development and
the Availability of Indigenous Education Officers: Influences on Indigenous Teaching and Learning. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 2 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Socioeconomic Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part I)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
195. Sahdra, B., Ciarrochi, J., Devine E., Brockman, R., & Craven, R. G. (2017). The Indigenous
Self in Friendship Networks: Perceived Stigma, Social Support, and Embeddedness in School Friendship Networks. Paper presented as part of the Symposium 2 entitled ‘Stories of Indigenous Socioeconomic Success – ACIT Symposium – Stories of Indigenous Australian Thriving (Part I)’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
194. Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., & Pennington, R. (2017). PROSPER: The measurement of
essential elements for positive education. Paper 2 presented as part of the Symposium 7 entitled ‘PROSPER - An Organiser for Successful School-Based Implementation of the Principles of Positive Education’ at the Ninth SELF Biennial International Conference (SELF 2017), Melbourne, Australia, September 25-28, 2017.
193. Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., Parada, R. H., & Hamilton, R. L. (2016). Bullies, victims, and
not-so-innocent bystannders: Measurement, psychosocial correlates, risk & protective factors, and intervention (Invited Symposium – 2016 International Union of Psychological Science). International Journal of Psychology, 51, 15-30.
192. Forbes,A., Craven, R. & Yeung, A. (2016). Changes in ‘nature of science’ understandings in
primary science teachers and students participation in an inquiry-based student-led, mentor-supported science program. Paper presented at the Australasian Science Education Research Association Conference, Canberra, July 2016.
191. Dillon, A. & Craven, R.G. (2014). Never Victims of the Past, but Victims Only of Our View of
the Past. Paper presented at the Fourth Australian Positive Psychology and Well-being Conference. Melbourne, 7th – 9th of February, 2014.
190. Bodkin-Andrews, G., & Craven, R. G. (2014). Bubalamai Bawa Gumada (Healing the Wounds
of the Heart): The search for resiliency against racism for Aboriginal Australian students. Quality and Equity: What does Research Tell Us -Conference Proceedings (pp.49-58). Camberwell Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.
189. Newey, K. A., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Denson, N., & Hamilton, L. (2013). Uncovering
the Psychosocial Determinants and Risk Factors of Cyber-Bullying Types on Adolescent Students. Paper presented at the Seventh Self Biennial International Conference, Singapore, September 9-11, 2013.
188. Ali, J., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Martin, A. (2013). Student Motivation and
Engagement: Cross-cultural Validation of Multidimensional and Hierarchical Models for Young Children? Paper presented at the Seventh Self Biennial International Conference, Singapore, September 9-11, 2013.
187. Barker, K., Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., Ali, J., Mooney, M., Dobia, B., Power, A., Jill
Schofield, J., & Whitefield, P. (2013). Does positive behaviour facilitate self-concept or does positive self-concept facilitate behaviour? Paper presented at the Seventh Self Biennial International Conference, Singapore, September 9-11, 2013.
186. Chandrasena, W., Craven, R. G., Tracey, D., & Dillon, A. (2013). Seeding Science
Success: Ascertaining the barriers and relations between students’ self-concepts, motivation, aspirations, and achievement in high school science. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Second Annual Higher Degree Student-led Conference (Postgraduate Research in Education),The University of New South Wales, November 9, 2012.
185. Chandrasena, W., Craven, R. G., Tracey, D., & Dillon, A. (2013). Seeding Science
Success: Relations of Secondary Students’ Science Self-concepts and Motivation with Aspirations and Achievement. Paper presented at the Seventh Self Biennial International Conference, Singapore, September 9-11, 2013.
184. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Parker, P., Nalbandian, N., & Craven, R. G. (2012). Respecting
identity? The role of cultural identity, cultural respect, and academic self-concept in predicting learned helplessness for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Students. Paper presented at the AARE Conference, Sydney in 2012.
183. Craven, R.G., & Marder, K. (2012). Furthering Theory: New Multidimensional Theoretical
Structural Models of Cyberbullying and their Potential Relations to Traditional Bullying Constructs. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cyberbullying, Sorbonne, Paris, June 28-29, 2012.
182. Craven, R. G., & Marder, K. (2012). New directions in cyberbullying theory and research:
Multidimensional structural models of cyberbullying and theorised relations with traditional Bullying Constructs. Paper presented at the 2012 joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, Australia.
181. Craven, R. G., Mooney, J., & Marder, K. (2012). Understanding the Role of Bystanders in
Cyberbullying: A Call for Research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cyberbullying, Sorbonne, Paris, June 28-29, 2012.
180. Craven, R. G., Seaton, M., Hornery, S., Yeung, A. S., (2012). Reading for life: Impact of a
volunteer-administered intervention on young children's reading achievement and self-concept. Paper presented at the 2012 joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, Australia.
179. Dillon, A., Craven, R. G., (2012). Teaching beyond the label. Paper presented at the 2012
joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, Australia.
178. Green, N., Seaton, M., Craven, R. (2012). The Role of Self-concept and Effective Teacher Feedback in Numeracy Success: A Review of the Literature. Paper presented at the joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, 2-6 Dec. 2012.
177. Kaur, G., Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2012). Motivational factors as predictors
of educational outcomes. Paper presented at the 2012 joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, Australia.
176. Kaur, G., Yeung, A. S., & Craven, R. G. (2012). Gender, grade, and cultural patterns in achievement motivation among primary school students. Paper presented at the 2012 joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney, Australia.
175. Nalbandian, N., Craven, R., Seaton, M., & Denson, N. (2012). Longing and belonging: the development of Australian multi-group acculturation and enculturation measures. (J. Wright, Ed.). Regional and Global Cooperation in Educational Research: Proceedings of the 42nd Joint Australian Association for Research in Education and Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, 2-6 December, 2012, University of Sydney, N.S.W.
174. Newey. K. A., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Denson, N., & Finger, L. (2012). A New
Multidimensional Measure of Cyberbullying: Introducing The Adolescent Virtual Behaviours Instrument. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cyberbullying, Sorbonne, Paris, June 28-29, 2012.
173. Yeung, A. S., Kaur, G., Craven, R. G. (2012). Relations of teacher self-concept and values
with teaching Approaches. Paper presented at the AARE Conference, Sydney in 2012.
172. Ali, J., Yeung, A. S., & Craven, R. G. (2011). Teacher ratings and proficiency scores: Relationship with student academic self-concepts. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 19–22, 2011.
171. Bodkin-Andrews, G., Denson, N. & Craven, R. G. (2011). Looking Past Positivity for Indigenous Australian Students: A preliminary investigation of racial discrimination and the illusion of resiliency in academia. Paper presented at the International Research in Education Conference, Melbourne, 29 November–2 December 2010.
170. Bodkin-Andrews, G., O’Rourke, V., Dillon, A., Craven, R. G. & Yeung, A. S. (2011).
Explaining away Aboriginality: Causal modelling of academic self-concept and disengagement for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian students. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
169. Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Ali. J., & Denson, N. (2011). Multidimensional Self-concepts
of Medical School Students. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 19–22, 2011.
168. Dillon, A., Craven, R. G. & Yeung, A. S. (2011). The Role of self-concept in understanding
why people accept the diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
167. Magson, N., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F. & Yeung, A. S. (2011). A new look at an old
problem: Examining the relation between goals and achievement in a domain-specific context. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
166. Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Nelson, G. F., & Anderson, A. (2011). Networks, trust, and reciprocity: A new measure of social capital. Presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13-15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
165. Marder, K., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Newey, K. (2011). Cyber Bullying: Future Research Directions. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 19–22, 2011.
164. Nelson, G. F., Anderson, A., Magson, N., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., Munns, G. & Covic, T. (2011). Bridging the Gap: Addressing poverty and disadvantage in NSW communities. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
163. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2011). Education is the key to my future: The educational experiences of students living in village, rural, and urban Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
162. Newey, K. A., Craven, R. G., Denson, N., Yeung, A. S., & Finger, L. (2011). The
Adolescent Virtual Behaviours Instrument: The Development of Psychometrically Sound Measure of Cyber Bullying. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 19–22, 2011.
161. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2011). The Big-Fish-Little-Pond effect under the
grill: tests of its universality, a search for moderators and the role of social comparison. Paper presented at the Fifth SELF International Biennial Conference, Enabling Human Potential: The Centrality of Self & Identity, January 13–15, 2009, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
160. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., Yeung, A., Craven, R. G. & Griezel, L. (2011). Parents and
Pressure: Similarities and Differences in Students’ Perceptions of Parental Relationships and Pressure in Academically Selective and Non-Selective High Schools. Paper presented at the Sixth Biennial International Conference of the Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitatio (SELF) Research Centre, 19-23 June, 2011. Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
159. Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., & Ali, J. (2011). Self-concepts and academic outcomes of
Indigenous Australian students in urban and rural school settings. Paper presented at the Sixth SELF Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada.
158. Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., Ali, J., Habgood. R., & Jenson-Lee, C. (2011). Self-concepts
of Indigenous Australian Students in Urban and Rural School Settings. Paper presented at the Sixth Self Biennial International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. June 19–22, 2011.
157. Anderson, A., Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F., Kuan, S., Denson, N., Munns, G., & Covic, T. (2010). Growing Communities Together: Exploring the role of social capital in improving outcomes for disadvantaged communities. 11th Australian Institute of Family Studies conference: Sustaining Families in Challenging Times. July 7 – 9, 2010. Melbourne, Australia.
156. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Magson, N. & Craven, R. (2010). Rapture or Rupture? Perceived intercultural experiences and their impact on self-perceptions for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian students. Presented at the First International Conference on Innovative Integration: roadmap to mental wellbeing. Sydney, 15–16 September 2010.
155. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Griezel, L. (2010). The big-fish-little-pond effect: An Australian story. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 11-16 July, 2010. Melbourne, Australia.
154. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Covic, T., Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., & O'Rourke, V. (2009).
Opening the blind eye: Causal modelling of perceived discrimination and academic disengagement for Indigenous students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
153. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Nelson, G. F., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Newey, K. A. (2009). The failure of general self-esteem: Self-esteem’s aggravating affect on racial discrimination’s relation to standardised achievement. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
152. Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2009). Why self-concept matters for teacher education: Examples from performance, mathematics and reading, and Aboriginal studies research. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
151. Craven, R. G. & Yeung, A. S. (2009). Why self-concept matters: Interventions in bullying, peer
support, and reading research. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
150. Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Ali, J. (2009). An elucidation and comparison of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian upper primary students’ self-concepts. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
149. Dillon, A., Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2009). Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder: A critical analysis elucidating constructs that influence parental acceptance/rejection of diagnosis and response. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
148. Finger, L., Yeung, A. S., Craven, R. G., & Newey, K. A. (2009). Adolescent peer relations instrument: Assessment of its reliability and construct validity when used with upper primary students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
147. Griezel, L., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Finger, L. (2009). The development of a multi-
dimensional measure of cyber bullying. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
146. Griezel, L., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Finger, L. (2009). Elucidating the effects of traditional and cyber bullying experiences on multidimensional self-concept domains. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
145. Hornery, S., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Ali, J. (2009). A new multi-dimensional domain-
specific motivation questionnaire: Measurement of young children’s multi-faceted reading motivation. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
144. Magson, N. R., Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F. & Yeung, A. S. (2009).
Examining the Validity of Motivational Profiles across Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education conference, Brisbane, November, 2008.
143. Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F., & Yeung, A. S. (2009). Domain-specific school
motivation. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
142. Magson, N. R., Craven, R. G., Nelson, G. F., & Yeung, A. S. (2009). Examining similarities
and differences in motivational profiles across Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
141. O'Rourke, V., Craven, R. G., Yeung, A. S., & Munns, G. (2009). Closing the educational gap
for Aboriginal primary students in low density schools?: A multi-method longitudinal analysis elucidating impact of inclusive practices. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
140. Seaton, M., Bodkin-Andrews, G.H., Marsh, H. W. & Craven, R. G. (2009). Finding Nemo: An overview of new currents in Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect research. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
139. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2009). Nemo goes to school: An overview of the currents in big-fish-little-pond effect research. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
138. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2009). One fish fits all? The big-fish-little-pond
effect and individual differences in learning. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 2008. Brisbane, Australia.
2007– 2008
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
137. Craven, R. G., Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & Yeung, A. S. (2008). A model for seeding success
for Aboriginal students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 25–29, 2007. Fremantle, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9339
136. Craven, R. G., Finger, L., & Yeung, A. S. (2008). Beyond bullying in primary schools: Theory,
instrumentation and intervention. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 25–29, 2007. Fremantle, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9339
135. Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2008). A model for seeding success for Aboriginal students.
Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 25–29, 2007. Fremantle, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9339
Aboriginal Studies Association Conference
134. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & Craven, R. G. (2007). Smothering or smouldering: The dark side of
motivation in Indigenous Australian students. In N. Parbury & R. G. Craven (Eds.), Aboriginal studies: Making the connections (Collected papers of the 12th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, November, 2–3, 2006). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISSN: 1835-402X
133. Craven, R. G. (2007). Seeding success for Aboriginal students. In N. Parbury & R. G. Craven (Eds.), Aboriginal studies: Making the connections (Collected papers of the 12th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, November, 2–3, 2006). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISSN: 1835-402X
Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference
132. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & Craven, R. G. (2006). The mental health of Indigenous Australians:
Inequities and new directions. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
131. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Multifaceted self-concept of Indigenous
Australian secondary students: Structure and relations to other academic variables. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
130. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Untangling the web: Reports of self-concept,
academic motivation and perceived discrimination for Indigenous secondary students. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
129. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2006). Motivational behaviours and
cognitions of Indigenous Australian secondary students. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
128. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2006). Perceived discrimination and
Indigenous Australian students’ school related attitudes. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
127. Craven, R. G., & Marder, K. (2006). Career aspirations of rural and urban Indigenous
students. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
126. Craven, R. G., Martin, A., Munns, G., & Ha, M. T. (2006). The relation of self-concept to
desirable educational outcomes. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
125. Craven, R. G., Purdie, N., & Ali, J. (2006). What it means to be Australian? Psychometric
properties of a newly developed instrument and preliminary. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
124. Dixon, R. M., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2006). The affective characteristics of
underachieving intellectually gifted children. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
123. Dixon, R. M., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2006). The Measurement of multidimensional self-
concept in adults with mild intellectual disability. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
122. Finger, L., Craven, R. G., & Dowson, M. (2006). Assessing bullying, being bullied, and self-
concept: A psychometric evaluation of the adolescent peer relations instrument and self-description questionnaire II for upper primary aged children. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
121. Finger, L., Craven, R. G., & Dowson, M. (2006). Self-beliefs and bullying: Unravelling the
relation between bullying, being bullied, and self-concept for upper elementary school aged children. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
120. Healey, J., Marder, K., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Reflections on the Cronulla riot 2005: Is there
a history of racial bullying in southern Sydney high schools? In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
119. Martin, A., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2006). Motivation and engagement in young children:
How well does a high school conceptualization generalize to junior school? In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
118. Mooney, J., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Reconciliation: Why we need to teach teachers to teach
Aboriginal studies to all Australian students. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
117. Mooney, J., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Teaching Aboriginal studies: Improving professional
practice in NSW schools. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
116. Munns, G., Martin, A., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Crossing the great divide: The motivation and
engagement framework in action. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
115. Munns, G., Martin, A., & Craven, R. G. (2006). What can free the spirit? Motivating
Indigenous students to be producers of their own educational futures. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
114. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R. G., & Dowson, M. (2006). Psychological
influences of student education in developing countries: A psychometric study of future goals. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
113. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R. G., Dowson, M., & Schauble, A. C. (2006).
Finding hope in hopelessness: Future goals and aspirations of Papua New Guinean students. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
112. O’Mara, A. J., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). A comprehensive multilevel model meta-analysis of self-concept intervention. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISSN: 1324-9320
111. O’Mara, A. J., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Support for a reciprocal effects model of
self-concept and academic achievement through a contrast of multidimensional and unidimensional approaches. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
110. Purdie, N., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Being Australian and being Indigenous: What’s the
difference? In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
109. Purdie, N., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Young people’s perceptions of what it means to be an
Australian. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
108. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). An examination of the moderating
influences of socio-economic status and individual differences in learning on the big-fish-little-pond effect. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
107. Seaton, M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). How far can the big fish swim? Extending
the reach of the big-fish-little-pond effect. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
106. Tremayne, P., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Senior hospital registrars: From failure to success in
examinations. In R. G. Craven, J. Eccles & M. T. Ha (Eds.), Self-concept, motivation, social, and personal identity for the 21st century (Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 23–26, 2006). Ann Arbor, Michigan: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-073-8
College of Arts, Education, and Social Science Conference
105. Barnett, A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). A multilevel analysis of the effects of
principal leadership style behaviours on the personal development dimensions of school learning environment. In M. Atherton (Ed.), Scholarship and community (Proceedings of the College of Arts, Education, and Social Science Conference, October 7–9, 2005). Milperra, Australia: University of Western Sydney.
104. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2006). Perceived discrimination and
academic motivation within the school setting. In M. Atherton (Ed.), Scholarship and community (Proceedings of the College of Arts, Education, and Social Science Conference, October 7–9, 2005). Milperra, Australia: University of Western Sydney.
103. Finger, L., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Is categorisation best practice for school
bully research? An investigation into the process of dichotomisation. In M. Atherton (Ed.), Scholarship and community (Proceedings of the College of Arts, Education, and Social Science Conference, October 7–9, 2005). Milperra, Australia: University of Western Sydney.
102. Nelson, G. F., Dowson, M., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Educational motivation
in Papua New Guinea: A psychometric investigation. In M. Atherton (Ed.), Scholarship and community (Proceedings of the College of Arts, Education, and Social Science Conference, October 7–9, 2005). Milperra, Australia: University of Western Sydney.
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
101. Barnett, A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). The fallacy of laissez-faire leadership: A
multilevel analysis of the influence of leadership avoidance behaviours on aspects of school learning environment. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
100. Barnett, A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). What type of school leadership satisfies
teachers? A mixed method approach to teachers' perceptions of satisfaction. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
99. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2006). Construct validation of the
self-description questionnaire II (short version) for Indigenous Australian secondary school students. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
98. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2006). The re-assessment of the
Australian perceived discrimination scale: Confirmatory factor analysis testing and between scale comparisons. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
97. Brown, G., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Cassar, M. (2006). Improving standardized
reading comprehension: The role of question-answering. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
96. Brown, G., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Cassar, M. (2006). The instructional features of an
effective and practical intervention for significant improvements in reading comprehension. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
95. Craven, R. G. (2006). Turning points in Indigenous education: New findings that can really
make a difference and implications for the next generation of Indigenous education research. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
94. Craven, R. G., & Purdie, N. (2006). What does it mean to be an Australian?: The perceptions
of students, senior and prominent Australians. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
93. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Social comparison theory and people
with mild intellectual disabilities: It is more complex than you think. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
92. Finger, L., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2006). Characteristics of effective anti-bullying
interventions: What research says. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
91. Finger, L., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Parada, R. H. (2006). Strengthening anti-bullying
research: An investigation into the misuse of dichotomous variables. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
90. Leung, C., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2006). Are peer tutoring programs
effective in promoting academic achievement and self-concept in educational settings? A meta-analytical review. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
89. Leung, C., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Yeung, A. S. (2006). Relation of domain specificity
between peer support and self-concept: Validation by the effects of peer support program in educational settings. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
88. Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Reciprocal effects of self-concept and achievement:
Competing multidimensional and unidimensional perspectives. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
87. Mooney, J., & Craven, R. G. (2006). A case study: Introducing and teaching core Aboriginal
studies. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
86. Mooney, J., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Teaching Aboriginal studies: Producing inclusive
Australian citizens. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
85. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Education in developing countries:
A qualitative study of student achievement in Papua New Guinea. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
84. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Student achievement in developing countries: A triarchic theoretical and operational framework. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
83. O’Mara, A. J., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Meta-analytic methods in educational
research: Issues and their solutions. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in
Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
82. O’Mara, A. J., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Self-concept intervention research in
school settings: A multivariate, multilevel model meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia.
81. Parada, R. H., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). Bullying in schools: What can we glean
from self-concept theory? Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
80. Parada, R. H., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2006). There and back again from bully to
victim and victim to bully: A reciprocal effects model of bullying behaviours in schools. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia.
79. Wray, D., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2006). The impact of the Higher School Certificate Aboriginal studies course: Aboriginal students’ perceptions. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
78. Wray, D., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2006). Making the grade: The impact of policy on the
HSC Aboriginal studies course. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 27–December 1, 2005. Parramatta, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9320
Aboriginal Studies Association Conference
77. Craven, R. G., & Mooney, J. (2006). Teaching preservice teachers mandatory Aboriginal
studies: Does it make a difference? In R. G. Craven (Ed.), Aboriginal studies: Real aspirations, real partnerships, real difference (Collected papers of the 11th Annual Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, November 20, 2003). Bankstown, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISSN: 1448-2932
76. Craven, R. G., & Parente, A. (2006). The role of self-concept in Aboriginal education: AECG
perspectives. In R. G. Craven (Ed.), Aboriginal studies: Real aspirations, real partnerships, real difference (Collected papers of the 11th Annual Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, November 20, 2003). Bankstown, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association ISSN: 1448-2932
Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference
75. Barnett, A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Leadership style behaviours that act to
enhance or erode teachers' perceptions of school learning environment: A qualitative perspective. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
74. Barnett, A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2004). A multilevel analysis of the effects of
principal leadership style behaviours on the relationship dimensions of school learning environment. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
73. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2004). New solutions for maximising
secondary Indigenous students’ full potential: Identifying causal constructs that enhance Indigenous students’ aspirations and educational outcomes. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
72. Bodkin-Andrews, G. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2004). Quantitatively assessing
perceptions of discrimination within Australia: A preliminary analysis of the perceived discrimination scale. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
71. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2004). Unravelling the self-concept enhancement conundrum:
A critical analysis of a new self-concept enhancement intervention. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
70. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2004). Unravelling the structure and measurement of
Indigenous students’ self-concepts and aspirations. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
69. Craven, R. G., Parente, A., & Marder, K. (2004). Indigenous students: The reality of their
educational and career aspirations. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
68. Craven, R. G., Purdie, N., & Marder, K. (2004). What does it mean to be Australian: A critical
analysis of prominent Australians’ perspectives. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
67. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Interpersonal cognitive problem-solving
intervention with five adults with intellectual impairment: The impact on self-esteem, problem-solving self-concept, socialisation, and self-direction. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4-7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
66. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Moving out: The impact of
deinstitutionalisation on salient affective variables for people with mild intellectual disabilities. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4-7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
65. Ellis, L. A., Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Richards, G. E. (2004). Bridging transition to
adolescence and secondary school: The power of peer support in enhancing self-concept and other desirable outcomes. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4-7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
64. Mooney, J., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2004). An Australian story: Pre-service teachers’
perceptions of the value of mandatory Aboriginal studies teacher education subjects. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4-7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
63. Mooney, J., Craven, R. G., & Martin, A. (2004). Why introduce core Aboriginal studies teacher
education courses? A critical analysis of educators’ perspectives. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
62. Nelson, G. F., McInerney, D. M., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Similarities and differences in
motivation and processes of learning between Papua New Guinea and Australian school students. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
61. O’Mara, A. J., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2004). Unmasking the true effects of self-
concept interventions and suggested guidelines for rectification. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
60. O’Mara, A. J., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Self-concept enhancement: A meta-
analysis integrating a multidimensional perspective. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
59. Seaton, M., Egliston, K., Marsh, H. W., Franklin, J., & Craven, R. G. (2004). Social
comparison: Its role in the big-fish-little-pond effect. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
58. Wray, D., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2004). Key issues and challenges in Higher School
Certificate Aboriginal studies. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
57. Wray, D., Craven, R. G., & Munns, G. (2004). The value of Stage 6 Aboriginal studies for
Indigenous students’ self-concepts in NSW secondary schools. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.), Self-Concept, motivation, and identity: Where to from here? (Proceedings of the 3rd International Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Conference, July 4–7, 2004). Berlin, Germany: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISBN: 1-74108-074-6
2002– 2003
Australasian Evaluation Society Conference
56. Craven, R. G. (2003). Can evaluating Indigenous students’ aspirations make a difference?
Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, September 16–18, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand.
55. Craven, R. G. (2003). Trekking beyond: Re-imagining a future role of evaluation for making a
real difference for Indigenous students. Paper presented at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, September 16–18, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand.
Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
54. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2003). Teaching pre-service teachers Aboriginal studies:
What really works? Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
53. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & Burnett, P. (2003). Breaking the self-concept enhancement
conundrum: Re-conceptualising the next generation of self-concept enhancement research. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
52. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & Wilson-Miller, J. (2003). Teaching the teachers Aboriginal
studies makes a real difference: A critical analysis of the impact of core Aboriginal studies teacher education courses on postgraduate teachers’ self-perceptions. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
51. Craven, R. G., & Parente, A. (2003). Unlocking Indigenous educational disadvantage:
Indigenous community members’ perceptions of self-concept research as a potent potential key. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
50. Craven, R. G., Parente, A., & Marsh, H. W. (2003). Disentangling Indigenous students’
aspirations: A critical analysis elucidating dreams and realities. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
49. Craven, R. G., Parente, A., Munns, G., & Marder, K. (2003). Indigenous students' aspirations:
An in-depth analysis of Indigenous students’ career aspirations and factors that impact on their formulation. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
48. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2003). The self: How does it relate to locus of
control, quality of life, and adaptive behaviour for people with mild intellectual disabilities? Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
47. Ellis, L. A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2003). Peers helping peers: The effectiveness of a
peer support program in enhancing self-concept and other desirable outcomes. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
46. Finger, L., Parada, R. H., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2003). Do my self-beliefs lead me to
bully or be bullied? An investigation into the causal relations between bullying, victimisation and self-concept. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
45. Mooney, J., Halse, C., & Craven, R. G. (2003). Teaching the teaching Aboriginal studies:
Illuminating successful strategies. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN:1324-9320
44. O’Mara, A. J., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2003). Evaluating self-concept interventions
from a multidimensional perspective: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand.ISSN: 1324-9320
43. Parada, R. H., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2003). The beyond bullying program: An
innovative program empowering teachers to counteract bullying in schools. Paper presented at the Joint New Zealand Association for Research in Education and Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–3, 2003. Auckland, New Zealand. ISSN: 1324-9320
Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference
42. Craven, R. G. (2002). Is the dawn breaking? The first empirical investigations of the impact of
mandatory Aboriginal studies teacher education courses on teachers’ self-concepts and other desirable outcomes. In H. W. Marsh, R. G. Craven & K. Simpson (Eds.), Self-Concept Research: Driving International Research Agendas (Collected Papers of the 2nd Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, August 6–8, 2002). Sydney, Australia: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISSN: 1447-3704
41. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2002). Moving out: The impact on the self and
other related variables for people with mild intellectual disabilities. In H. W. Marsh, R. G. Craven & K. Simpson (Eds.), Self-Concept Research: Driving International Research Agendas (Collected Papers of the 2nd Biennial Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, August 6–8, 2002). Sydney, Australia: Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre. ISSN: 1447-3704
Pacific Circle Consortium Conference
40. Halse, C., & Craven, R. G. (2001). Intercultural understanding in teachers: The case of
Aboriginal studies. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference, September 26–28, 2001. Christchurch, New Zealand.
American Education Research Association Conference
39. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & Debus, R. (2000). Teacher-administered self-concept
interventions: Do diffusion effects exist? Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, April 24–28, 2000. New Orleans, Louisiana.
38. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & McInerney, D. M. (2000). The structure and development of
young children's self-concepts and relation to academic achievement. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, April 24–28, 2000. New Orleans, Louisiana.
37. Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., McInerney, D. M., & Debus, R. (2000). Evaluation of the big-
two-factor theory of motivation orientations: An evaluation of jingle-jangle fallacies. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, April 24–28, 2000. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference
36. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & McInerney, D. M. (2000). The structure and development of
young children’s self-concepts and relation to academic achievement. In R. G. Craven & H. W. Marsh (Eds.), Self-concept theory, research, and practice: Advances for the new millennium (Collected Papers of the Inaugural Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, October 5–6, 2000). Sydney, Australia: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Centre. ISBN: 1-86341-877-6
35. Dixon, R. M., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2000). Stigma theory and social comparison
theory: What can they tell us about the self-concept of adults with mild intellectual disabilities? In R. G. Craven & H. W. Marsh (Eds.), Self-concept theory, research and practice: Advances for the new millennium (Collected Papers of the Inaugural Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, October 5–6, 2000). Sydney, Australia: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Centre. ISBN: 1-86341-877-6
34. Ellis, L. A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2000). The self-concept of preschool children:
Measurement and multidimensional structure. In R. G. Craven & H. W. Marsh (Eds.), Self-concept theory, research, and practice: Advances for the new millennium (Collected Papers of the Inaugural Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, October 5–6, 2000, 2000). Sydney, Australia: Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Centre. ISBN: 1-86341-877-6
33. Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2000). Swimming in the school: Expanding the scope of the
big fish little pond effect. In R. G. Craven & H. W. Marsh (Eds.), Self-Concept Theory, Research and Practice: Advances for the New Millennium (Collected Papers of the Inaugural Self-Concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation (SELF) Research Centre International Conference, October 5–6, 2000). Sydney, Australia: Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Centre. ISBN: 1-86341-877-6
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
32. Burnett, P., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (2000). Enhancing students’ self-concepts and
related constructs: The need for a critical longitudinal analysis capitalising on and combining promising enhancement techniques for educational settings. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 29–December 2. Melbourne, Australia.
31. Craven, R. G., Marsh, H. W., & Debus, R. (2000). Enhancing self-concept: Preliminary findings
of a critical meta-analysis elucidating successful interventions for educational settings. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 29–December 2, 1999. Melbourne, Australia.
30. Craven, R. G., McInerney, D. M., & Marsh, H. W. (2000). The structure and development of
young children’s self-concepts and influence on academic achievement: A preliminary
longitudinal analysis. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 29–December 2, 1999. Melbourne, Australia.
29. Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Debus, R. (2000). Separation of competency and affect
components of multiple dimensions of academic self-concept: A developmental perspective. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 29–December 2, 1999. Melbourne, Australia.
28. Roche, L., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (2000). ‘Globalization’ threatens our understanding
of teachers’ self-evaluations in local contexts: Lessons from primary and tertiary settings.
Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, November 29–December 2, 1999. Melbourne, Australia.
Social Education Association of Australia Conference
27. Craven, R. G. (1999). Aboriginal studies resources for really making a difference: An overview
of some of the best available teaching resources. Paper presented at the Social Education
Association of Australia Conference, April 27–28, 1999. Perth, Australia. ISSN: 1323-6245
26. Craven, R. G. (1999). Time to really empower a nation: An overview of the 'Teaching the
Teachers National Project of Significance’ resource. Paper presented at the Social Education
Association of Australia Conference, April 27–28, 1999. Perth, Australia. ISSN: 1323-6245
25. Craven, R. G., Print, M., & Moroz, W. (1999). Civics and citizenship education in Australian
schools: Challenges for the 21st century. Paper presented at the Social Education Association of Australia Conference, April 27–28, 1999. Perth, Australia. ISSN: 1323-6245
Joint ITC and IACCP Regional Conference
24. McInerney, D. M., Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (1999). Does non-English speaking
background influence the structure and development of young children's self-concepts? Paper presented at the Joint International Test Commission (ITC) and International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) Regional Conference on Cultural Diversity and European Integration, June 29–July 2. Graz, Austria.
American Education Research Association Conference
23. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). A new enigma in self-concept research: Are
competency and affect components of multiple dimensions of self-concept separate? Paper
presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, April 13–17, 1998. San Diego, California.
22. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). Enhancing academic self-concept in the classroom: A
critical analysis of a large-scale longitudinal study. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, April 13–17, 1998. San Diego, California.
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
21. Craven, R. G. (1998). Teaching the Teachers Indigenous Australian studies: A national
priority! Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 1997. Brisbane, Australia.
20. Craven, R. G., Debus, R., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). New techniques for enhancing children's
academic self-concepts in educational settings: Advances in new times. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
19. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). The structure, stability and measurement of young
children's self-concepts: Advances in new times. Paper presented at the Australian
Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 1997. Brisbane, Australia.
18. Craven, R. G., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). New times, new programs for gifted and talented
students: Impact on self-concept, achievement, and motivation. Paper presented at the
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4-,1997. Brisbane, Australia.
17. Roche, L. A., Marsh, H. W., & Craven, R. G. (1998). The mirror has many faces: The
development of multiple dimensions of confusion and competence among preservice teachers. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, December 1–4, 1997. Brisbane, Australia.
Aboriginal Studies Association Conference
16. Craven, R. G. (1997). Teaching Aboriginal studies effectively: Real resources for making a
difference in the classroom. In R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies: Sharing our stories (Collected papers of the 7th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, August, 1997). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-95852-970-1
15. Craven, R. G. (1997). Teaching the teachers Indigenous Australian studies: A national priority! Paper presented at the National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference, July 6–9, 1997. Sydney, Australia.
14. Craven, R. G. (1997). Getting it right: Real Aboriginal studies units of work for the primary school. Paper presented at the National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference, July 6–9, Sydney, Australia.
13. Craven, R. G. (1997). Using the right words in the Indigenous Australian studies classroom.
Paper presented at the National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference, July 6–9, 1997. Sydney, Australia.
12. Craven, R. G. (1997). Teaching the teachers: Resources for really making a difference. In R.G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies in the 90s: Visions and challenges II. (Collected papers of the 6th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, October, 1996). Kensington, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-64630-886-6
11. Craven, R. G., & Wilson-Miller, J. (1997). Developing Aboriginal studies units of work: A new model. In R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies in the 90s: Visions and challenges II (Collected papers of the 6th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, October, 1996). Kensington, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-64630-886-6
10. Craven, R. G. (1996). 'Teaching the teachers Indigenous Australian studies': A project of national significance. In R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies in the 90s: Visions and challenges I. (Collected papers of the 5th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, October, 1995). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-64630-887-4
9. Craven, R. G., & Wilson-Miller, J. (1996). Developing Aboriginal studies units of work: A new
model. In R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies in the 90s: Visions and
challenges I (Collected papers of the 5th National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, October, 1995). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-64630-887-4
National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference
8. Craven, R. G. (1994). Teaching the teachers Aboriginal studies: A national priority! Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 1993. Fremantle, Australia. ISSN: 1324-9339
7. Craven, R. G., & Wilson-Miller, J. (1994). Recognising the validity of Indigenous cultures and history: Developing a model subject for Australian teacher education courses. Paper presented at the National Council for Social Studies Annual Conference, June 27–29, 2004. Nairobi, Africa.
New South Wales Institute for Educational Research Conference
6. Craven, R. G. (1993). Schools make a difference: Measuring and enhancing student self-concepts. In J. S. Shellard (Ed.), New South Wales Institute for Educational Research Conference (Bulletin of proceedings, 1993). Sydney, Australia: N.S.W. Institute for Educational Research. ISSN: 0728-7186
Aboriginal Studies Association Conference
5. Craven, R. G. (1992). Teaching Aboriginal studies in the primary school: A sample teaching unit. In D. Coghlan, R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies: A national priority! (Collected papers of the 2nd National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, 1992). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-7334-0431-6
4. Craven, R. G. (1992). Teaching the teachers Aboriginal studies: Compulsory Aboriginal studies in primary teacher-training courses. In D. Coghlan, R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal studies: A national priority! (Collected papers of the 2nd National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, 1992). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-7334-0431-6
3. Craven, R. G. (1992). Teaching the teachers using the right words: Appropriate terminology for Aboriginal studies courses. In D. Coghlan, R. G. Craven & N. Parbury (Eds.), Aboriginal Studies: A national priority! (Collected papers of the 2nd National Aboriginal Studies Association Conference, 1992). Sydney, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Association. ISBN: 0-7334-0431-6
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference
2. Marsh, H. W., Craven, R. G., & Debus, R. (1991). Self-concepts of young children aged 5 to 8: Their measurement and multidimensional structure. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 1990. Sydney, Australia.
Other Conference Presentations
1. Chandrasena, W., Craven, R., Tracey, D., & Dillon, A. (2014). Seeding Science Success: Psychometric Properties of Secondary Science Questionnaire on students’ Self-concept, motivation, and aspirations. Paper presented at The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association & the Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 19-21st November, 2014, Hong Kong. (This paper has received “Young Scholar Best Paper Award”).